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Adventurous Oddities of 1 Day

Yesterday was a typical day for us, full of oddities and fun. Since everyday is fresh, life never gets stale. It may not be the type of day we want, but it’s certainly never dull. Enjoy with me?

I rented the movie Beavis and Butthead Do America for my boys to watch. My youngest son (13) has been walking around lately with his shirt pulled up over the back of his head. I’ve been calling him Cornholio and thought he might like some reference material.

After the movie was over, my oldest son went outside. He began running laps up and down the road. After 4 or 5 laps he would come inside and take a shower, rest for a bit, then go outside & run again. I asked him what he was doing. He said, “I’m working out Mom.” Tickled, I said, “…well okay, could you perhaps shower when you are finished with your whole workout instead of after every 4th lap, please?”

While my oldest is working out, my youngest proceeds to walk through the house with his hands in the air & shirt pulled over his head saying, “I’m Cornholio.”

I retreated to my room. 

After a brief reprise, my oldest son came into my room to announce he would be going to “Germie’s house” & I would need to pick him up around noon tomorrow. (Incase you are 35 or older and are not aware, Jeremy is now phonically pronounced Germ-ee…teenagers?) After reminding him his chores & homework must be completed first, I agreed he could go.

My youngest (Cornholio) was feeling a bit left out with no one to aggravate, so I told him to grab his shoes & PSP. We went go to McDonalds. Every female employee there loves to flirt with him. He eats that up! Within 10 minutes, he had 3 new ‘girl friends’, was engaged, flirting, and being smiled at by all his favorite ladies. At one point, he was playing around & began to pout like a 6 yr old, “I wanna ice cream.” Out of nowhere, an employee was standing by my side, holding 2 ice cream cones!

After much fun, random conversation, & silliness our batteries were running low on the laptop & PSP, so it was time to go.  Usually my son gets all the attention, but on this trip I unexpectedly got a little. A guy that has called me “Pretty Girl” for the last 2 years wrote his phone number on a piece of paper & gave it too me.
Flattered by this young guy, I smiled & thought, “No! Our McDonalds experience will be forever changed until attrition gets you young ‘en!”

I didn’t say anything though. I just smiled and said “Goodbye!”

Driving the short distance home, I noticed the sun was starting to set.  We hurried along to beat the clock on another day rental of Beavis & Butthead and make it to the park to capture the sun setting.

As we pulled into the parking lot of the beautiful park, my son noticed something odd…all alone in the middle of the vast parking area was an upright vacuum cleaner!  It had been stripped of ill hoses & attachments. It looked so lonely & I pittied it. Then it occurred to me…IT’S A VACUUM!   🙂  My son and I exchanged a stare, then busted out laughing 🙂

We caught the sun setting in a single shot with our phones and mine promptly ran out of battery charge!

Lap top and PSP completely charged once more, we went back out to town. My youngest made a game of using his mini plunger creating suction on his face. That mini plunger was a novelty to be used on a cell phone as a prop or kick stand- not to suck hickies on a person’s skin. 

Before bed, my youngest came to me & said, “I’ve had a gr8 day mom. I’ve eat well, found a vaccum cleaner, got on Facebook, & given myself a hickie. Good night.” Me: “huh? Ok, night son    🙂 “

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