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A new love šŸ’˜


I have a confession to make. I fell in love several months ago. Keeping it to myself until just recently when I shared it with my husband was difficult to do. He has been understanding and very accepting of my new love. Heā€™s definitely my best friend and understands.

You see until recently, I enjoyed travel as long as it was recreational, short-lived and I knew we were coming back home soon enough.Ā  But lately, so many things have changed in our lives. All the kids are ā€œgrownā€ or at least they think they are. They have all moved away from home now and declared their independence.Ā  We are now Empty-Nesters and have grown into a new class of people. One that I always assumed would never affect me much because I just knew that all the boys would still be around. I assumed that they would be around regularly and that the house they would always come home to the house they grew up in, the house they matured in and had so many developmental memories and such would somehow mean the world to them. Why I thought this way, Iā€™ll never know.

I moved away from home at 18 and struck off on a life of my own too. I never looked back or even considered going back home. Actually, I saw going back home as a failure in life. If I couldnā€™t make it on my own, I would have been devastated!Ā  There was one point when I went back though, in 2001 for about a year and half when both my parents were in a terrible car accident. Mom begged me to come help her and I did. That was short-lived as God gave her Grace and she was walking again when I left. Alas, I digressā€¦. so back to my new loveā€¦

So delusional thoughts aside, reality is often not was we expect it to be. In an adventurous ever-changing world that we cannot control, we are but passengers on thisĀ  ride through life. A passenger doesnā€™tĀ control the directionĀ ā€“ and in my life God is the driver. So in recent years, I have just sat back and watched he scenery as Iā€™ve been passing through. God is still my greatest love of all, number 1 in my lifeā€¦my husband is number 2. But as for this new love I referred to, well it surprises me just as much as it has surprised my husband.

I love to travel! Not just leisure travel, but packing up and moving away travel. This travel is one that I had always denied before, absolutely refusing to leave East Tennessee. Ā Now, Iā€™m excited by the thought and look forward to many new adventures along the way!


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