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Oops! I haven’t written anything since last November.

How could I forget about this site? Simple…I’ve been a bit busy with work, the house, the kids, the hubby, and taxes. So I don’t bore you with all the details, I’ll hit the high spots for you. We’ve had a few adventures, turning points, milestones, and even a few laughs along the way since my last post. Scroll down to enjoy!

Our oldest boy is not new to the stage. He’s had roles in plays before, but this past Nov, he had the esteemed honor of playing the King of Hearts in a magical steam punk rendition of Alice in Wonderland!

King of Hearts (Center)

(As I am sure you can appreciate – this picture is purposely blurred to protect identities of other children in this play.)

We’ve visited some historical places and paid respect…

Briceville Coal Creek Cross Mountain Disaster

It snowed in late November…

November Snow in East TN

We searched for arrowheads…

Arrowhead Hunting

We visited Gatlinburg (right before it flooded)…

Our youngest son had a choral concert in December…

Cole’s Chorus Concert (he’s in the middle)

We celebrated Christmas. The most fun was listening to the boys guess what was inside the 3 large boxes. They knew each one of them had a box and the guesses were hilarious. I heard: “Microwave for college”, “Individual mini fridges”, “Clothes”, “A giant book”, “Fluffy”, and lots of other silly stuff.

Christmas 2013

The most exciting part of Christmas came from the post office though! We received a surprise present from Royal Mail delivered from the UK. The mail delivery lady was so impressed by the package, she made a special stop by the house to make sure I went by the post office to pick it up and advised me she expected to know what it was. When I went to the post office, the branch manager handed it to me while the other ladies working there huddled all around. They all looked on quizzically in wonderment, fully expecting me to open it in front of them.  I said my thank yous and told them I would wait until Christmas morning to open it with my family.  Disappointed, they asked me to come back in and let them know what it was. The kids also guessed what was inside everyday until Christmas came. (Thank you John & Family!)

Royal Mail

My fabulous friend at Praying Seven Designs made an apron for me!

I LOVE my new apron!

We had more snow January 29, 2014…

More Snow

The kids had laaaaazy days…

Lazy kids

While looking for arrowheads along the river with  my husband on February 1st, 2014, I stumbled upon a creepy doll buried in sand! Oh the stories that came from that day…from the mysteriously appearing and then disappearing tiny foot prints that appeared afterward to the creepy doll theories – we had many stories to share.

Creepy doll

We took the kids on a retreat to The Wilderness in the Smokies in Sevierville, TN. They had a lot of fun that day, but since it’s a water park – there are no pictures to share with you. (Camera+water=disaster).  We stopped in a small Chinese restaurant during a stay and I received a nice fortune :

Snowlady duck-face Selfie

On February 12 & 13th, it snowed again! I made a duck-face snowman selfie 🙂

The kids were party poopers. They wouldn’t come out to play in the snow with me, but Nick made a snowman too!

Nick’s Snowman

For Valentine’s Day, my sweet husband gave me my absolute favorite little golden balls of happiness! We also went out for dinner.

my absolute favorite little golden balls of happiness

So, all in all, we’ve stayed busy. Combine daily football workouts, ACT prep work,  multiple choral events, working 7am – 8pm each day and all the regular daily house work, plus trying out some DIY Pinterest inspired crafting disasters equals…kinda busy. But, to you, if you’ve come all this way to read – I offer my sincerest apology for not writing something before now. I’ll be writing more soon, I promise!

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