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Happy Update

Happy is the feeling of the day.  🙂 I do not give all the credit to the new medication, but to the God and his healing grace. Without him allowing my body to accept this new treatment plan, I still would not be able to walk. My body is responding well to the new medication and I have been able to not only walk, but stretch, and workout a little now. Previously, I would be so happy to have a good mobility day that I would over do it, then suffer for several days afterwards. I have accepted that I have limits and now I am working out and completing daily tasks as I can, being conscious not to over do it. As I have been easing into a new daily routine, I have been able to accomplish a little more each day.

Four days ago, I began a walking routine. Two days ago, I downloaded a new app on my phone to help me slowly increase my endurance. I want to be able to run 🙂 The new app has a virtual trainer that talks to me as I walk, tracks me via GPS, determines how far I walked, and is easing me into jogging part of the time. So far, I am up to walk/jogging 1.53 miles in 11 mins. I want to increases my endurance so that I can be a mom (clean house and do things everyone else does) while also getting a workout in during the day to build muscles that will protect my bones! I am hoping to begin my hiking schedule again this fall and see even more of the Smokey Mountains than I did last year 🙂

I am happy as a lark that I can move!! I even played in a park with my son yesterday.

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