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Why make a bucket list?

Why make a bucket list when you haven’t been told you are dying?
Why wait until someone gives you an expiration date before you live?

For me, the answers were easy. Each of us, no matter how healthy you are (or think you are), is given a promise of tomorrow, next week, or even the next 15 minutes.

People die everyday in accidents, lose theirs lives to a serious illness, or are torn from the life they once comfortably knew and are thrown into a dire circumstance.  The lucky or blessed people have a support group of family, friends, church members, community, or such. The unlucky ones will suffer alone, with no support, or company.

In all these situations, there’s always reflecting. The mind of the suffering one or suffering families left behind are full of the “would’ve”…”could’ve”…”should’ve”.  These are all regrets. Regrets do not make people happy. They do not fulfill a need deep in the heart or soul &; do not heal.

The only way I’ve figured not to end this way, is to LIVE, LOVE, FORGIVE, & ENJOY as you move through this borrowed time on earth. This doesn’t mean live in total self, but rather to live without the infamous regrets of life. Live to make others happy. Buy that toaster oven that is on sale so you don’t hear yourself say, “I should’ve…could’ve bought that on sale.”

I will not personally and will not allow my children to live life with regrets now. There should never be a time when we look back on life and say, “oh, I wish I had xxxx. I should’ve xxxx.” 

So, we made our list and add to it as new ideas occur to us. The list may seem simple, but it’s full of gratification!

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